My goal is to educate about the science of nature in layperson speak, through my writing, science and education background. I grew up in the Chicago area, loved living in Minneapolis before gravitating to the West, which is now home.
The search for my purpose took me down a path of eclectic and yes, a little strange careers, beginning as a nutritionist and health educator, morphing into a pharmaceutical sales rep, getting a journalism masters degree at Columbia University and most recently, 14 years as writer/editor of medical trend reports for Wall Street companies.
My husband’s career in the U.S. Forest Service and my stint as a national park ranger (forgot to list that one…) attracts us to natural settings – where I keep running into screaming examples of the need for someone to speak for our natural world. I’ve become especially hooked on the benefits of California native plants, and in 2018 I became a Garden Ambassador for the California Native Plant Society.
Whenever possible, I will reference research from biology, environmental science, etc. experts, especially to counteract common myths and misconceptions. More info on my writer’s website.