Note: I have updated this with two upcoming 2024 sales in the Inland Empire (East of LA). People in areas outside the Inland Empire and desert areas of Southern CA, please check here for California native plant sales. Elsewhere, look up your state’s native plant society. Plants native to your areas make the best habitat gardens, which usher in butterflies, birds and other vital critters.
Fall is such a great time here in Southern California, as cooler weather and expected rains make it an ideal time for gardeners to buy and plant. Here are two exciting native plant sales, depending on where you live.
SAT, NOV 2nd, Riverside: Sponsored by our local Riverside-San Bernardino Chapter of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS), the plant sale takes place on Saturday November 2nd (9-3) at the Riverside/Corona Resource Conservation District at 4500 Glenwood Drive, Riverside, as part of their Birds, Blooms, Bees and Butterflies event. Prices are discounted this year — and CNPS members receive a 10% discount. Here is the plant list.

The chapter expects over 140 different species to be available at the Riverside sale. These include a half dozen or more species of salvia, manzanita, ceanothus and buckwheat — important native plants to begin with — as well as about 40 different seed packets.
SAT, NOV 16th, Indio: Then for folks in the desert, here is info about the November 16th sale from 8:30 to 1:30 in Indio. Last year’s was a big success and this one should be too.
For more info:

Visit to learn more about California natives that will grow in your yard’s particulars. Plug in your zip code, water, sun needs etc and get a list of plants.
I gave a talk today on Seasonal Beauty in Native Plant Sales, which will be available in a couple days at our chapter’s YouTube channel here. (other great talks too!)
Lastly, here’s a gallery of favorite native plants of ours.
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