Flannel bush (Fremontodendron) or fremontia is another favorite California native plant. And with its distaste for summer water once it’s established, fremontia is a perfect solution for the drought times we seem to be going through here in the Southwest. Here is more info about this beautiful native.
First, some photos:
Fremontia Features and Tips:
- No worries about watering: We’ve lost several over the years due to it receiving irrigation in the warmer months.
I’m fascinated by plants that are designed to not want water in the hot months – and your firsthand experience with these fremontias is a timely reminder that there are gorgeous plants perfectly adapted to our local climate. Always inspired by the way you talk about the plants, like they are friends. Makes me want to get to know them too :)
Thanks Christine, I do love this water-finicky plant that grows so well in the wild. I forgot to emphasize too that fremontia attracts bumblebees and other native bees and wasps — so is a great habitat plant.