(Updated Aug 2018) Acquaintances of ours were over at our house the other night and when they asked if we wanted to see a photo of the rattlesnake they found on their property, I thought to myself ‘they probably killed it.’ Yep, they did. It was a good 4-plus feet long, so likely had lived many years of its 25 year lifespan in the wild canyon that is off one side of their property.
While I’ve encountered few rattlesnakes on my various hikes, we have encountered over a half dozen on the 3 acre canyon property we lived on in San Diego County.
Except for the concern for our dog, we didn’t mind them around because:
rattlesnakes consume mice, rats, small birds and other small animals. By limiting the size of rodent populations, they play an important ecological role.
- We know they rarely attack or are aggressive. Only once on a hike a rattler didn’t do their usual – moving way we left the area.
- If they were small and near our house, my husband used a long stick to usher them into a big container before relocating them down the canyon. (See photo/story of one example)
My personal opinion: If you choose to live in a home on the edge of natural areas, or hike in those areas, learn to live with the others who make it their home.
I checked this write-up with a rattlesnake expert, William Hayes, PhD of Loma Linda University. If you find a rattlesnake or a venomous snake on your property, or on a hike:
- Use common sense, move away from it, and it often leaves the area. If you want it removed, call your local fire department. At least in Southern California, they will remove and relocate them.
- If you get bit, get to the hospital immediately. Dr. Hayes said that no one really knows for sure, but the current estimate is about 3500 to 4000 in the U.S get bit by rattlesnakes. The approximate five that die occurred between 6 and 48 hours after the bite. If anti-venom treatment is given within 1–2 hours of the bite, the probability of recovery is greater than 99%. (Wikipedia, but verified by Hayes)
- If your dog gets bit (sorry, don’t know about cats… but 150,000 dogs is one annual estimate) I’ve heard many dogs, including a springer spaniel my husband had that was bit on the face, survive without treatment, but some don’t. One website, Tenaker Pet Care Center said getting bit in eye, mouth, ear area, or chest is more serious because of the closeness to numerous blood vessels and major organs.
- Get your dog snake-trained. A friend called it very effective, saying it allows dogs to get close to the trainer’s snakes in outdoor situations, “then they give them correction (a tiny shock from a collar). The dog associates the shock with the scent as the nose rules!”
- If you take your dog to the vet, prepare for a high vet bill. An anti-venom injection can cost $700-800, and if hospitalized, the bill can add up to $1500 to 2000.
- If you live in rattlesnake country, consider a vaccination Many vets recommend the vaccination, usually they involve two injections six months apart, followed by an annual booster (prices vary but I’ve seen $30 or so for one injection, much less than an anti-venom injection). However, Dr. Hayes questions the vaccine for Southern California because the antibodies generated by the vaccine will not protect adequately against some of our Southern California snakes- please see his comment below for more info.
Rattlesnake Myth Debunking
Two myths Dr. Hayes encouraged me to help correct:
It is NOT true that baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult rattlesnakes.
According to Hayes this well-entrenched myth originated in the 1970s. Reality: There is no published data to suggest that baby rattlers inject more venom or that they lack control of how much venom they expend. (One juvenile snake study showed they are capable of controlling their venom.) Rather, studies published in scientific journals show adult snakes have much more venom in their glands and inject much more. (How Dangerous Are Baby Rattlesnakes? – PDF 1.5 MB)
It is NOT true that rattlesnake venoms are rapidly evolving to become more toxic.
I remember hearing this one about a year ago – Hayes said reports have incorrectly claimed that rattlesnake bites in southern California, Arizona and Colorado have become more severe as their venom has evolved to become ‘supertoxic.” (Sensationalistic Journalism and Tales of Snakebite – PDF 284 kb)
However, the Boy Scout advice to wear long pants IS true. Hayes found the average amount of venom injected was one-third the amount in a human model wearing long pants versus a bite on a bare leg. (Denim Clothing Reduces Venom Expenditure by Rattlesnakes – PDF 280 kb)
Other Resources:
William K Hayes, PhD – whayes@llu.edu Phone 909-558-4300 (ext 48911)
Photo at the top of this page is of a juvenile Western Rattlesnake that my husband relocated down the canyon by putting it in this tall garbage can liner. I insisted he go with his fresh lizard kill, which is what we first noticed outside our door. We emptied both out together and when I went back an hour later to check, the snake – and his lizard – were gone.
Thank You !!!
Is it true that certain snakes are “hyper active,” while others are more “lethargic,” and the 2 types avoid each other ??? I grew up hearing that “if you see black snakes, chicken snakes, etc., you won’t usually see the more aggressive poisonous rattlers, copper heads, etc.
Hi Jim, I checked w my rattlesnake expert, Dr. William Hayes, and he said there’s no truth to that. thanks for writing… Linda
This is from Dr. Hayes regarding concerns with the dog rattlesnake vaccine: I’ve now learned enough about venom variation among our southern California rattlesnakes to recognize that the antibodies generated by the vaccine will not protect adequately against some of our snakes. In short, the vaccine consists of chemically treated Western Diamondback Rattlesnake venom, which is especially high in metalloproteases, but has numerous other toxins as well. When injected into dogs, the vaccine will promote the production of antibodies that neutralize those specific toxins. Although the Red Diamond Rattlesnake has fairly similar venom, which means the antibodies generated by the vaccine might be reasonably effective, the other species of rattlesnakes in our region have very different venom composition, which means the dog would lack antibodies to effectively neutralize their venoms. I have a couple of colleagues trying to create a better antivenom, but it may be some while before they complete their effort.
I live in the country in Riverside County and my dogs get an annual rattlesnake shot. I think that shot is the best thing in the world (though my vet is dubious). I have one dog who hates snakes and is bitten at least three times per yr (usually red diamondback but also panamint) and her face, where she is usually bitten, is swollen for a day or so. Many years ago when my dogs were bitten, I spent a fortune at the vet’s. No more.
A healthy population of non-venomous snakes will in fact keep other snakes away including venomous. Snakes don’t like to compete for food.